An Experiment with ChatGPT
ChatGPT is a chat bot developed by open AI. Everything you see on this page is developed by AI!
ACIES Innovations
December 19, 2022

Research: A Culture Innate in Us!
With changing times, the scenario around education has also evolved, for better and worse. But is the present system of education, or more precisely, the process of education, on the right path.
ACIES Innovations
January 16, 2021

A Few Thoughts On Content Management – Charting A New Destiny For KM
Content Management is key to any Organisation and is very critical from a knowledge management perspective. If practised in a planned manner, it can help Organisations learn regularly, as well as ensure that Organisations know what they have and regularly update it.
ACIES Innovations
January 16, 2021

Charting A New Destiny For Knowledge Management – Questioning Deep Rooted Assumptions And Futuristic Thinking
While there is no need to justify to anyone the importance of knowledge, there is a need to justify, the need to have a function to manage knowledge. Last week I completed 25 blogs focused on bringing a change in the way we manage knowledge. In my current blog I classify them and bring structure to what I shared.
ACIES Innovations
November 6, 2021

Gartner’s Magic Quadrant: Insight Engines
Have you checked out Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Insight Engines, yet? Find out who are the leaders and who are the challengers in the technology market.
ACIES Innovations
May 31, 2021

Start-ups : Connecting Some of the Dots
Why do start-ups fail? What are the concerns related to start-ups which must be addressed?
ACIES Innovations
January 19, 2021

A Few Common Mistakes Committed by Knowledge Managers
Do you think the impact of knowledge management is direct? What are the common assumptions with respect to knowledge management? Let’s have a fact check.
ACIES Innovations
January 16, 2021

Corona Virus And The Power Of Managing Knowledge
The recent time has shown the emergence of novel and fatal diseases. This has proved that holding knowledge would never do any good, as is evident from a scenario from Kerala. Here is how knowledge sharing and management has helped the government and community to cope better with the corona virus.
ACIES Innovations
January 16, 2021

Knowledge Management: Ignore at Your Own Peril
Why is the need for knowledge management? Why should an Organisation manage or leverage knowledge? The article gives you all the answers you need.
ACIES Innovations
January 16, 2021

Why Employees Should Not Be The Focus For Knowledge Management
Focus on employees is bringing down effectiveness of KM. It is time to question the assumption that employees need to be the focus to manage knowledge.
ACIES Innovations
January 16, 2021

KM should be ‘Task focused’ and not ‘Employee focused’
KM should be task-focused, since that will help us directly impact on the performance of the Organisation and help it improve continuously. The article gives an insght into the reasons why being employee-focused is less preferable.